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Menopause at work. It’s not just women’s talk!

Menopause awareness and management sessions will be extended across the RiskSTOP Group after fifteen directors and managers participated in training this month.

The move coincides with World Menopause Day on 18 October. An initial session took place earlier this month and was described as ‘incredibly enlightening’ by those taking part.

The training was delivered by Kathryn Evans, Partner and Head of Employment at Trethowan Solicitors, to provide more understanding around menopause symptoms and employers’ legal responsibilities, as well as support for team members.

RiskSTOP Group’s Human Resource Manager, Natalie Joyce, said: “Our aim is to normalise conversations and create a menopause friendly workplace. A major initial step, as well as the training, has been the development of our first menopause policy.

“I have been astounded by how many employees have recently reached out, from women who need support to those whose home lives are now different due to their partner being menopausal. RiskSTOP Group is committed to making sure this is no longer a taboo subject and that it’s something we all talk about, both women and men.”

Positive feedback

Trevor Smith, RiskSTOP Group Director, commented: “I hadn’t fully appreciated the health impacts that can be caused by the menopause and I’m sure if my awareness had been greater I could have done more to support family, friends and colleagues. This training has been incredibly enlightening and helpful.”

Risk Management and Surveys Operations Manager, Lisa Beaton, added: “This has been one of the most informative courses I’ve been on. The stats and testimonials blew me away. I had no idea menopause could be quite so severe, even though I am going through my own personal battle with it.

“It’s fantastic we are embracing this subject, becoming more informed and are better able to educate employees. Regardless of someone’s age or gender, this will affect everyone over time.”

Feedback from the initial Menopause Awareness and Management session was so positive, RiskSTOP Group will now invest in more training for staff and explore the appointment of menopause champions.

World Menopause Day is held every year in October to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. More information can be found through the British Menopause Society website.


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