As part of our strategy for growth and development of brand purpose, RiskSTOP Group has appointed Johnny Thomson as Marketing and Communications Director.

A qualified marketing professional, Johnny is also a highly experienced communicator who has operated in the fields of journalism, public relations and communications.
Johnny has been an independent marketing consultant and content producer for the past 22 years, working with clients such as the Home Office, Scottish Executive, BBC, NEBOSH and International News Services, as well as RiskSTOP Group. He began his career as an insurance underwriter and has a strong understanding of one of our key segments, as well as a passion for risk management.
Nigel Raywood, RiskSTOP Group Distribution Director commented: “We’re delighted to have Johnny onboard full-time. He has already played a significant role in our journey and will help deliver on important elements of our current and future strategies, while raising awareness of our values and vision of a safe, secure and sustainable world.”
Johnny added: “This is an organisation made up of incredible people with admirable principles. I feel honoured to have been asked to join the team here and I’m looking forward to contributing to our collective goals.”
Please connect with Johnny on LinkedIn here.